[b][i][u][color:cfc5=red][font:cfc5='Showcard Gothic']AESOP[/font][/color][/u][/i][/b]
[font:cfc5='Calisto MT']Aesop was very intelligent but he was ugly with long face and he was fat with black skin. His name might have come from his skin colour because the word Aesop means ‘Aesop”. One day a rich slave dealer asked a slave who was standing next to Aesop while they were in the market being offered for sale.” What can you do for me?” The slave replied, “Anything, Sir”. Then the rich man asked Aesop. Aesop replied to the same question “nothing”. The rich man wondered about that answer and asked Aesop about the reason of his answer. Aesop replied “My friend didn’t leave me anything to do”. The man admired his intelligence and said” If I buy you, will you be good and honest to me?” Aesop replied, “I will be good and honest whether you buy me or not”, so the man bought him.[/font]
[font:cfc5='Calisto MT']One of Aesop’s most famous stories was with figs. The story said: once upon a time Aesop’s master had a present which was a basket of delicious figs. There were also two other slaves who hate Aesop. They ate all the figs and accused Aesop of eating them. Aesop asked his master to give him a chance and a period of time to defend himself. Then he came with a big empty pot and ,in front of his master, he put his finger in his mouth and vomited (threw up) what was in his stomach in the pot. Then he told the two other slaves to do the same. First they refused but finally they had to do what their master said and they vomited what was in their stomach from water and eaten figs. Here the master ordered to punish them.[/font]
[font:cfc5='Calisto MT']Aesop gained his freedom when he explained what happened in the kingdom when a very big eagle took the Royal Stamp and threw it in a maid’s clothes. Aesop told them what the story said and that they had to fight the enemy. Aesop was the most intelligent man of his time.[/font]