This book is about two brothers, Bobby and Teddy, who are of Chinese ancestry. Teddy doesn't really appreciate Bobby. For Bobby's birthday present Teddy buys him an alligator. Teddy was told by his mom to buy a turtle, but he doesn't follow her instructions. Bobby loves the present very much and names it Oscar. All of his relatives come to see the pet. They also think it is a cool present. One day, Bobby and his relatives can not find Oscar. They search all over the house. As the days pass, Teddy begins to think Oscar is dead. The two brothers go to see Mr. Wong, a wise friend of the family. Even Mr. Wong thinks Oscar is dead. Teddy and Bobby go home to start looking for the alligator again. While Bobby is looking for Oscar in the bedroom, Teddy finds him lying on the floor. Teddy wraps Oscar in a towel to hide him from Bobby so that Bobby will not find out about Oscar's death. Bobby walks in the door at that moment and asks, "What do you have in that towel?" Later he finds out that Oscar has died. The two boys have a funeral for Oscar on the hill behind their house. At the end, Teddy goes back to the pet store to buy Bobby a turtle.