1.25 million Total employment in Oregon in 1985
65,000 Employment in "old-growth" sector of timber industry in 1978
39,000 Employment in "old-growth' sector in 1987
62,000 Employment in Outdoor Recreation and Tourism in 1985 (source: State Employment Division, annual reports)
5. Number of workers used to process one million board feet of lumber in 1979
8. Number of workers used to process one million board feet of lumber in 1985
28% increase in cutting on National Forests from 1979-1989
15% decrease in employment in timber industry from 1979-1989
40% of routine over-cutting (cutting more than the forest can grow in replacement) on public lands annually
50% of trees that existed on this planet in 1949 that have since been cut
72% of nation's forestlands in private ownership
99% of private lands that have been cut (at least once)
97% of Spotted Owl nests that are found in cavities in "old-growth" trees
65+% of Americans that don't know that trees are cut by USFS
98% of timber cutting goal the USFS met in 1984
140% of road-building goal the USFS met in 1984
24% of trail-building goal the USFS met in 1984
34% of wildlife habitat improvement goal the USFS met in 1984
28% of soil and water improvement goal the USFS met in 1984
20% of annual rainfall that drops from needles collecting mist
Less than 2% of America's Native forest that remains uncut
160% timber industry's projected increase in demand for wood products in United States by year 2030
One board foot One square foot of wood one inch thick
76,000 board feet Average good Forest Service Timber Sale yield per acre
One billion board feet Equal to 13,000 acres of clear-cut Ancient Forest
9.7 billion board feet Amount sold in Northwest by September 1990 under Hatfield legislation (=126,100 acres of Ancient Forest)
11.3 billion board feet 1990 USFS nationwide Timber Sale program target
2.9 billion board feet Amount of entire cut on National Forest nationwide in 1949
16 billion board feet Amount cut on Public and Private lands in Washington and Oregon in 1988
8.1 billion board feet Amount cut in Oregon in 1987 (source: Dept. of Forestry)
3.7 billion board feet Total amount of unprocessed wood exports from Oregon in 1989
1.3 billion board feet Amount of raw logs exported from OR in 1989
$1.149 billion USFS 1990 budget
$253.7 million 1990 Timber Sales budget (22% of total budget)
$98.2 million 1990 Reforestation budget (8% of total budget)
$152.7 million 1990 Recreation budget (13% of total budget)
$81.5 million 1990 Fish & Wildlife budget (7% of total budget)
$164.4 million 1990 Road Construction budget (14% of total budget)
Oaoer Recycling